Snow and Ice Plan — City of Soap Lake

Snow and Ice Plan

Winter is here and snow is in the forecast. City public work crews are ready to plow roads after a snow storm hits. If you’re concerned about the condition of the roads outside your home or business, please be aware of the limitations the City faces with snow removal services. It is advised to move parked vehicles off city streets if you see snow in the forecast. The below standards set the expectations for the City of Soap Lake and are used by Grant County and other cities.


  1. Crews will not be called-out after normal working hours, on weekends, or on holidays to remove snow/sand for snow accumulations less than three (3) inches, or during blizzard/high wind and drifting snow conditions until the wind has subsided.

  2. Sanding operations are limited to intersections, steep grades, and sharp curves. Sand will not be applied until the falling snow has subsided. The City will call-out crews to sand these areas on major arterials if freezing rain over 1/8 inch thick adheres to the roadways.

  3. Crews will be called-out to assist in emergency situations defined as only an event where fire, police, emergency medical services are called upon to respond quickly to prevent harm to or loss of human life or property.

  4. The priority for plowing/sanding is

    1. Major Arterials

    2. Minor Arterials with Steep Grades

    3. Other Arterials

    4. Local Access Roads.

    Road or road sections which are also identified as emergency School Bus Routes will receive first priority status within the above classifications when school is in session. Deviations to this priority schedule may occur to allow the best utilization of available equipment.

  5. City equipment will not be used to extract stuck private vehicles except in emergency situations. An emergency situation is described as an individual needing immediate medical attention or an individual being exposed to severe weather without assistance.

  6. As a general rule the City does not plow gravel roads until snow exceeds six (6) inches in depth.

  7. In the event of multiple snow fall events and/or drifting, the City crews will cycle back to higher priority roadways. This can result in lower priority roadways being left unplowed for extended periods of time.

  8. In accordance with Laws of the State of Washington, private lanes and driveways will not be plowed.

  9. Alleys and parking strips are normally not plowed by the City, but you may see an inconsistency because of private plowers doing this in some areas.

The Soap Lake Municipal Code also requires the publics cooperation to be able to provide snow removal services. For full text see SLMC 12.16.030 & SLMC 12.28.070

  • Do not move any snow or ice into City property, streets, or alleys.

  • Do not block travel lanes of streets or alleys with vehicles or other obstacles.

  • Keep sidewalks adjacent to private property clear of snow & ice.

Please drive safe and responsibly this winter. Thank you!


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City Council Budget Meetings: October 31st, 2022