Construction work on 3rd Ave. SE
The week of April 27th-May 1st, sewer construction crews will continue work on Canna St. near City Hall and progress east along the alley between 3rd and 4th Ave SE. Sewer crews will then move to working on the lines behind the Community and Senior Center the following week South of Second Ave SE and along Buttercup St.
Water construction crews will continue work on 3rd and 2nd Ave SE as they cross Daisy Street. Water crews will then move to working on 1st Ave SE , moving east from Daisy St. the following week.
NOTE: Construction crews are scheduled to work four 10 hour days, Monday through Thursday at this time. When construction is in your area please plan for changes to your garbage pickup, for restriction to street parking, and utility service disruptions. Please put your garbage out as you normally would but the night before your scheduled pickup day, and the contractors will move your garbage bins to were they can be picked up then return them to your property after garbage has been collected. Please don’t park on the street when construction is near you. Contact city hall with any questions, and thank you for your patience as we work through this project this year.